55 Best Ways :: How to Promote Your YouTube Channel

YouTube is the second largest search engine on the planet (Second to Google search, who as you know happens to own YouTube), so when it comes to video marketing and promoting your brand, yourself, your products or services, there is no other content marketing platform more powerful on the web than YouTube.

Having a YouTube channel is so vital to your business or your blog, and what’s more, YouTube is completely free to use, it can be a potential viral marketing tool, you are targeting a global audience, and more importantly, with video medium, you’re taking the opportunity to demonstrate your expertise, skills, knowledge a, d authority in your niche.

Having a YouTube Channel with plenty of useful videos is one challenge to overcome, getting as many people finding and viewing your channel and your videos is another, so how do you effectively promote your YouTube channel?

Like any other content marketing platform, i.e. a WordPress blog or a podcast on iTunes, your content on YouTube demands to be consumed, otherwise, there is little point in using YouTube from a business standpoint. So what you need to do my friend is some effective marketing of your YouTube channel.

In this post I’m going to share with you 45+ awesome ways to promote your YouTube channel and get a ton more people viewing your videos as well as Make Money On YouTube, consuming your awesome content and subscribing to your channel, so let’s dive straight in.

How To Promote Your YouTube Channel

01. Embed your videos into your company website
Embedding your videos into your website pages is the simplest way to get more hits and some new subscribers to your channel.

The beauty of YouTube is that the site makes embedding videos into web pages so easy. For example, let’s say you run an e-commerce website with lots of great products. Creating short product insight videos is one great way to help your customers explore your products in greater detail, thus helping you and your business to convert visitors into paying customers, so consider creating and embedding your videos into each of your product pages in your eCommerce website.

It doesn’t stop there, you can also create a cool welcome video and embed it into your website about page too.

02. Embed videos into your blog
If you have a blog and seriously value the content on your blog, then you all also appreciate the importance of creating content on YouTube too, and YouTube can be a valuable and reliable traffic source.

One great way to promote your YouTube channel is by creating a list of all your popular blog posts you think you can re-purpose using video medium, then create video versions of those posts and embed them into those actual respective blog posts. I’ve done this myself using several top posts on my blog and it can work very effectively.

03. Link to your videos in your email newsletters
If you are active on chat forums consider adding the URL of your YouTube channel in your forum signature. Also check the threads regularly, who knows you might find that there’s a thread where a link to one of your YouTube videos might provide some answers to people’s problems.

04. Use forums to promote your YouTube channel
Consider creating a new thread about a specific topic you want to discuss, then embed and share one of your own useful videos. If you raise an interesting topic to debate about and your video provides value, then this is a very powerful way to get thousands of hits to your videos and potentially new subscribers to your channel.

05. Create and add a video to your lead capture page
If you have a lead capture page promoting something like an eBook to entice visitors to subscribe to your email newsletter, consider creating a short video and then embedding it into your landing page. It could be a welcome video telling people why they should consider signing up for your website updates or download your eBook, or it could be a simple thank you video once they have signed up.

06. Share your videos with your friends on Facebook
If you seriously believe your friends would love to check out your videos and find value in watching them, share it with them.

07. And with your fans on your Facebook business page
If you have a lot of fans on your Facebook business page, don’t forget to share your videos with them too. If you are interested, there is a pretty cool app you can use to share your YouTube channel with your Facebook fans.

08. Anchor text link your channel URL everywhere else possible
Add an anchor text link to your YouTube Channel everywhere that’s possible, from all your other professional social profiles, business directory listings, community sites, other websites owned, etc.

09. Display your videos in your blog’s sidebar
Check out this nifty little plugin that will allow you to add your latest videos to your blog’s sidebar.

10. Link your YouTube profile with Twitter

11. Link your YouTube channel with Facebook

12. Paste your YouTube videos inside your LinkedIn updates, check out the short video below.

13. Link your YouTube channel to your Google+ profile (Author)

14. Add a link to your YouTube channel in your email signature
Consider adding a link to your YouTube Channel or your latest video in your email signature. If you use something like WiseStamp to add a custom signature to your Gmail, you can add an icon link to your channel from there.

15. Promote your YouTube channel with print marketing, using screenshots of your videos and adding your channel URL to your newsletter.

16. Use Facebook ads to promote your YouTube channel

1.1 billion people use Facebook, and Facebook Ads is like no other, why? because you can accurately target the right kinds of audiences when advertising, so for your YouTube channel, it’s perfect for promoting videos.

17. Use Google Adwords to promote your YouTube channel (If you must, but I did recommend Facebook Ads for more targeted advertising)

18. Get printed T-Shirts
I know what you’re thinking, this has got to be a gimmick right? Wrong! If you attend events where there’s plenty of opportunities to advertise your YouTube channel, then get some printed t-shirts with your YouTube channel URL, your slogan, and channel logo printed on the back.

19. Add your YouTube channel URL to your business cards

20. Create a trailer video for your channel

This is a relatively new feature added to YouTube, users can now create and host an awesome channel trailer.

21. Create a YouTube video promoting your other videos
This is something I’ve found pretty useful, create a video showcasing your top 10 most popular videos on YouTube, or compiling a group of YouTube tutorial videos.

22. Advertise your YouTube channel on other websites and blogs
Create a couple of custom banner ads, and use websites like BuySellAds and Puxee to advertise your channel to a targeted audience!

23. Use other video content marketing platforms
Don’t just post to YouTube, submit your videos to other video hosting sites such as Vimeo, MetaCafe and add a link back to your YouTube channel in the description if possible.

24. Submit your videos to StumbleUpon (Still works magically)

25. Share your videos on TikTok and Instagram (Your profile and community groups)

26. Tweet your videos regularly

27. Add your YouTube Channel URL to all your other social network profiles

28. Ask others to Retweet your videos

29. Blog about your latest videos

30. Add a link to your YouTube channel in your guest post author box

31. Do a review of your most popular videos on YouTube

32. Create an about video and embed it in your website’s about me page

33. Create a series of a video blog (or vlog’s) and dedicate a category on your blog to those videos

34. Share & promote the video on Facebook group pages
Facebook groups are great for getting social traffic to your YouTube videos. Just do a search on Facebook for groups related to your niche or industry. For bloggers and internet marketers, check out this resourceful post on where to find active Facebook groups.

35. Screen capture your videos and upload them as images to Flickr and Photobucket with your YouTube channel URL in the photo description

36. Upload your videos to Facebook and link back to your YouTube channel in the description

37. Add relevant tags to your YouTube videos

38. Add your YouTube URL to your e-Business cards

39. Link YouTube to your MySpace profile

40. DO NOT be tempted to buy targeted YouTube views, it doesn’t work

41. DO NOT be tempted to buy targeted YouTube channel subscribers, it doesn’t work

42. Add a subscribe to my YouTube channel link to your blog’s sidebar

43. Add your YouTube channel URL to all your business directory company profile
Many small and local business directories allow you to add your YouTube channel URL or even add a few of your videos for potential clients to view, make sure you take full advantage of this.

44. Link YouTube to your NetBlog account

45. Bookmark your videos on Pinterest

46. Use JustRetweet to promote your videos
JustRetweet is a powerful social media marketing service that allows you to create targeted retweet campaigns. You can also use JustRetweet to boost Likes and Google+ to your videos. You can signup to JustRetweet here.

47. Add links to your YouTube videos in your eBook or white paper

48. Add your videos to your guest posts

49. Comment on other related videos

50. Create an online course using video medium to distribute your course content

51. Share your videos on Scoop.it
Scoop.it is a great content curation platform and a perfect way to collect videos to share with your followers.

52. Add screengrabs of your videos in your eBook, PDF’s

53. Add your videos to your SlideShare presentations

54. Upload Youtube Videos to Instagram. People are so kneed to watch online YouTube videos or download YouTube videos to MP4 on iPhone iPad for offline watching. Uploading YouTube videos to Instagram will let your videos get more exposure and attention since there are billions of Instagram users watching videos every day with their mobile phones.

55. Create and dedicate a static page in your WordPress blog and embed all your YouTube videos, if you have many, use several pages.

Follow these effective proven strategies to promote your YouTube channel today and you’ll soon be increasing views, generating more shares, and gaining new subscribers to your channel.

That’s all I have for you for now, as always if you can think of a few more to add to this ever-growing list, please contribute by leaving a comment below. We regularly update this list each time we find a new way to market and advertise your YouTube channel so be sure to bookmark this post or subscribe to our email updates now.

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