The Power Of Social Media Influencers In Current Marketing Trend

Promoting products through social media influencers can be well-categorized as the form of subconscious marketing. For so many decades now advertisers and brands are working hard together to shape consumers attitude, thoughts, and behavior, without making them aware of it. Now, that might make you wonder more about these influencers and who they are in real life. Why this is often termed to be the hidden form of online advertising? Why is it becoming more prevalent in this field of online marketing? How can you explain this trend through psychology?

Social Media Influencers


social media

People Behind this Influence:
In case you have missed out how popular these social media influencers have become nowadays, you can take a quick look at staggering numbers as reported in a recent study. You will further know why people are more into real Instagram likes these days. Some points might help you get the answer straight.

  • This term influencer marketing has now increased by around 325% in the field of Google searches in 2017. That makes it a fastest growing online method of acquisition for this year.
  • This trend is going to continue in future as well with around two-thirds of marketing departments willing to increase the budget for influencer marketing over next year. Marketers are also expected to invest a hefty average budget of $25,000 to around $50,000 into the current multifaceted influencer campaigns for this year.
  • Generally, the money noted in this regard is thoroughly spent well. For every dollar spent on influencer marketing, marketers can often see an average of around $7.65 earned in media value returned.
  • The best ever and biggest influencer marketing can always be on Instagram. The previous year, you can see a whopping 12.9 million brand based influencer posts. This number is going to be estimated to double in around 2018, which helps in creating the estimated market size of around $1.7 billion.

Lining up to be Added with Social Media Personas:

Brands are currently lining up to be well-associated with the popular form of social media personas. As a fact, this high demand is going to create a whole industry of its own with the intermediary agencies willing to pop up every now and then to work as matchmakers between influencers and their desired companies. The number, as mentioned already, is enough to speak of IG value in the current online marketing domain. But, the question is, who these people are actually.

Well, they are commoners like you. They are the one with passion and not afraid to tell the world about that. It can be anything right from fashion to cooking, gaming or even comedy. The possibilities over here are rather endless. By posting such passions on social media, influencers have further gained immense internet based popularity. It helps them to share and further influence audience opinions on some of their matters through pictures, blog posts, videos, tweets and more. By relaying the message to a handful of influencers, you get the chance to promote it to immense networks. It helps in creating an effective and quick approach to reach a wide audience.

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