How to Stay Safe Online

The internet has opened up amazing opportunities and technology has made browsing the online world even easier. However, it also means that there are many threats to contend with, including scams, hacking, malware and more.
 Staying safe online means being aware of good practices and sticking to them, as well as being more mindful about your own browsing habits. Here are a few important safety steps to remember when browsing online. 

Take Care with Emails

The majority of the time it can be very easy to identify a piece of junk or spam email, such as those which are requesting you to log in or to provide account information. Sometimes, though, they are very convincingly designed and if you’re having a busy day, it can be easy for one to slip through. 

Always try to be mindful of which emails you’re opening and what you’re being asked to do. Never provide any personal information or click on unknown links. This applies both to your personal account and your work email. 

Implement Strong Passwords 

The purpose of passwords shouldn’t just be something you can easily remember, as the need for stronger passwords is now more fundamental than it used to be. Most accounts will now request that you create a password with at least one uppercase letter, number and even punctuation mark. 

Be sure to always make your passwords as complicated as possible and try to avoid using the same password for everything, to best protect your online accounts as well as your devices. 

Use a VPN

A VPN keeps you and your network extra safe whilst connected and browsing, by making your activity private. A VPN can be essential when using public WiFi in order to protect your browsing when using a shared network. It can also strengthen your network security when using on a Virtual Private Network within work or at home, too. A VPN hides your IP address, meaning that your browsing is untraceable. 

You can find discounts on VPN by using coupons, such as a NordVPN Coupon.

Use a Firewall and Anti-Virus Program

These are essentials for protecting your internet browsing habits and your devices or accounts from any online threats. Firewall and anti-virus programs will protect you from viruses, suspicious sites, suspicious downloads and hacking. Even if you are only ever browsing secure websites, there’s still always a chance of online threats, so firewall and anti-virus programs will give you the best protection. 

There are many different options, and the right one for you will depend on a variety of factors, including: 

  • How many devices you wish to protect under the same account
  • Your browsing habits 
  • Your budget 

Don’t Click Anything You Don’t Need To 

The internet is rife with clickbait, a lot of which will be attempts to gain personal information through innocuous means, such as fun quizzes or surveys. You may have to contend with popups or suspicious links or click requests, so be sure to never click on anything which you’re not sure about, even if displayed on what you perceive to be a safe website. 

Use these key steps to always remain confident and safe when online

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