Things You Need to Know Before Buying a Juicer

Vegetables and juice fruits have become a huge health phenomenon in the last couple of years. People have started becoming conscious of what they take and are leaning towards more natural products. Preparing your own juice is one step closer to living a natural and healthy lifestyle. You might be looking to purchase a juicer but don’t know how to go about the process. No one juicer is the same and that is why it is crucial that you’re doing the research before making a purchasing decision. You can use the internet to your advantage. The reviews should be taken with a grain of salt as they can be faked. There are some key considerations you should have in mind before purchasing a juicer and we’re going to highlight some of them.

The Time it Takes to Make the Juice

You might be having a busy lifestyle and you don’t have a lot of time to spare. As such, you will need a juicer that is fast and efficient. How many times in a day or week will you juice and quantity will you be aiming for? Masticating juicers will get you the highest quality of juice but the downside is they’re slow which might not be ideal if you don’t have a lot of time during the day. If time is not that much of an issue, you can decide to go for the masticating juicers as you’re assured of the highest quality.

Vegetable and Fruit Juice are Not Created Equal

Vegetable and Fruit Juice

As much as it might sound counter-intuitive, the two juices are not created equal and that is why you will need a different juicer depending on the output that you intend to achieve. Fruit juice might increase the risk of heart disease. That is it is not recommended that you concentrate on fruit juice. It is crucial that you’re striking a balance in order to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Your Budget

Cost is always going to be a major consideration in any decision-making process and buying juicers are no exception. You can get a juicer for as low as $30 all the way up to a $2000 unit. The functionalities at different price points will greatly vary. That is why it is recommended to list down the features you’d like the juicer to have so that you can set aside the right budget. Don’t go for cheap units without doing proper research. The higher the price, the higher the performance but there are exceptions to the rule. You don’t want to spend a lot of money on a juicer that can’t perform the basic functions. Also check out the warranty, especially on the motor as that is something that a lot of manufacturers don’t pay close attention to. Most warranties will last up to two years. You can have the juicer replaced or fixed if it has a mechanical fault.

Assembling and Disassembling

The ease of assembling and disassembling will come in handy when cleaning the juicy. You don’t want to be dealing with a lot of pulp during the cleaning. It is during such times when you start asking yourself when was the first citrus juicer invented? You don’t want to be taking time to assemble the juicer. The unit has to be efficient straight from the box. This minimizes the time that you might have wasted always trying to figure out how it works.

Additional Features

There are some nice to have features that you could want in the juicer. Such features are meant to promote efficiency or make the process of preparing juice a lot easier. There are some juicers that can handle ice creams and nut butter without a problem. Ultimately, the juicer that you choose should be very specific when it comes to functionality.

Design and Aesthetics

As much as the juicer will be functional, sometimes it is the extras that will make a difference. You don’t want a design that you will get tired of looking at only after a couple of weeks. The final product should be aesthetically appealing which provides the motivation to drink healthy juices.

Prepare for Shopping

You should be prepared to do a lot of shopping before you can get the juicer that you want. Even if you do have a specific budget in mind, you will still have a couple of options from different brands and manufacturers. The internet can be used to your advantage. Make sure you’re reading as many reviews as possible before making a purchase decision.

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