The Rise of Employee Apps for Internal Communication

Workplace communication has evolved rapidly alongside advances in technology. While email remains the dominant channel, companies increasingly adopt new digital platforms to engage and connect with employees. Employee apps have emerged as a popular solution to improve internal communications in the modern, mobile workforce.

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A dedicated employee app offers a number of advantages over traditional communication methods, including:
Apps provide a simple, convenient way for employees to get company news and information right on their mobile devices. This makes it easy to stay in the know, even when on the go or not sitting at a desktop.

Organization-wide Reach

Apps allow organizations to reach their entire workforce instantly, breaking down silos between locations, departments, and roles. This universal accessibility helps unify disparate groups.

Content can be delivered seamlessly via push notifications, text, video, surveys, and more. This multi-modal approach amplifies engagement across a variety of formats.

Native apps provide a familiar, intuitive user experience that employees already understand from personal mobile app usage. Adoption is, therefore, much more natural.

Apps give HR and communications leaders valuable usage metrics and insights that can be used to refine strategies. Employee preferences and behaviors can be analyzed.

Developing a custom-branded app costs far less than traditional enterprise software. The mobile-first design is scalable and sustainable long-term.

Key Features of Employee Apps

This is the central hub for all company-wide, location-based, or departmental news. Push notifications drive real-time awareness.

An in-app calendar with details on upcoming company events, holidays, training/development programs, and community service activities.

Surveys are distributed easily through the app, collecting instant feedback on employee satisfaction, new initiatives, company policies, and more.

Enables quick peer-to-peer and group chat for efficient collaboration. Fosters camaraderie through casual interactions.

Learning & Development

Access to eLearning training modules, microlearning videos, online courses, and other L&D resources.

A searchable employee directory is an employee communication platform with contact information and organizational charts to facilitate engagement across the organization.

Central repository for guides, handbooks, presentations, PDFs, and other files employees need to access.
An in-app knowledge base that provides answers to frequently asked HR, IT, operations, and company culture questions.

Choosing the right technology vendor is key to a successful launch. Consider these criteria when evaluating options:

Look for an intuitive CMS that makes it easy for non-technical users to publish and update content quickly.


The ability to tailor content by location, department, role, or user provides a targeted experience.

Robust analytics should provide actionable insights into feature usage, engagement demographics, content resonance, and more.

Enterprise-grade security, permissions controls, and data encryption are essential. GDPR compliance should also be ensured.

Ongoing customer support and change management guidance should be provided to drive user adoption.

Total Cost

Pricing models, upfront costs, hidden fees, and customization charges should align with the budget. Scalability should be considered as well.

Launching the app technology is only the first step. Organizations must also get employees excited and engaged about using it through:

Leadership should actively promote the app and share relevant updates through it. This sets the tone from the top.

Identify power app users at each location or department to demo it and encourage peers through word-of-mouth advocacy.

Incentivize usage by rewarding top contributors, most active users, competition winners, etc. with prizes or recognition.

Continually add new features, content, and enhancements requested by users. This shows responsive evolution.

Tutorials & Support

Provide tips, video tutorials, cheat sheets, and technical troubleshooting to smooth onboarding.

Limited Emails

Reduce email volume about topics covered in the app to motivate users to switch channels.

Effective change management and promotion will drive maximum ROI on an organization’s investment in employee apps. As technology capabilities grow, companies should continuously explore opportunities to streamline internal communications through intuitive mobile platforms that unite distributed workforces.

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