Right Diet and Exercise That Make Teenagers Healthy

Work pressure, tension, stress, and crisis in the family, as well as professional life, leads to the occurrence of more and more chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cardiac problems, high uric acid in the blood and a lot more health disorders.

There is no way by which we can minimize our tension, anxiety or workload. Hence, it is inevitable that we will suffer from all these diseases and have to live on medicines and treatments. But, can’t there be any way we can do to keep away from these diseases at all?

Can we not delay the occurrences of these diseases at all? Yes, we can. But we have to be serious enough to regulate some routines of our life for a better living and have to remain loyal to such changes all through our lives, for a healthy and fit life.

The two integral things that largely regulate the way we will be all through our lives are exercise and planned and balanced diet. We all know the balanced diet is essential in living healthily. But what is a balanced diet? Does curtailing out all the things that are the most favorite among most of us mean a balanced diet?

Does that mean we need to eat as much less fat and carbohydrate as we can and live only on fruits, vegetable, and boiled food only? This is not. Balanced diet denotes following variancetv a diet regime that is suited for a particular age, profession as well as sex.

So, let us see what the dietary recommendations for teenage girls and boys are. It must be remembered in this respect that teenage is the time when the body and girls grow up to become adults. Consequently, the need for energy from food is the maximum in this stage, as the body undergoes a lot of physical activities.

Therefore, appropriate food is needed to compensate for the need for more and more energy. But, it is also true that eating loads and loads of carbohydrates and fat is also not the right solution. This way it will only lead to obesity and nothing else. Following a healthy diet and doing exercises regularly will keep teenagers fit and also healthy enough to fight out diseases in the later stages of life too.

What to eat at breakfast

Since this is the first meal of the day after a long gap of about ten hours from the previous night, so the breakfast must be wholesome. Food will provide the energy needed throughout the day to carry out various physical activities.

The early part of the day can start with a cup of toned milk, or any healthy beverage or a cup of tea. It should be accompanied by two biscuits, which are not cookies or cream-based ones, for sure.

In the later part of the day, your breakfast platter should consist of two slices of brown bread or a vegetable sandwich, a half-boiled egg, a bowl of boiled vegetables, a seasonal fruit, a glass of fruit juice and some porridge.

What to eat in the lunch

Your lunch should be lighter than your breakfast, as you are supposed to be in between the work schedule when it will be the due time for lunch. Eating too much will make you heavy with a feeling of lethargy and sleepy. You will lose your efficiency to work.

In lunch settle down for a cup of brown rice or four pieces of bread or a non-vegetarian club sandwich. A bigger bowl of boiled vegetables containing some leafy vegetables too is to be made a part of your lunch. Have fresh salads, twenty-five grams of fish or forty grams of chicken and fifty grams of homemade curd.

What to eat as evening snacks

In the evening when you feel a slight hunger, do not start eating junk food, chips, French fries, and roadside dishes to satisfy your hunger every day. Having all such food once in a blue moon, is, still all right. But stay hundreds of miles away from such food daily if you are health conscious and want to remain free from the clutches of diseases.

Instead, include some boiled chickpea with shredded onion and cucumber as your evening snacks. It is an excellent energizer and also provides strength to the body. You can also change that for pasta or porridge, at times. Having a cup of coffee or tea is also not a bad idea along with it.

What to eat during dinner

Dinner is the time after which our physical work becomes lessened. So, having a heavy dinner, often, is the cause of indigestion and acidity. To get rid of such complications, have an early dinner to encourage some mobility after food intake. Moreover, eat as much light as you can during dinner.

 Have half a cup of rice or two slices of bread, a small bowl of cooked lentils, pulses or beans, fresh salads with lettuce, parsley, cucumber, tomato, shredded chicken if you wish, two small pieces of boiled chicken or a small piece of fish and you are sorted out for dinner.

Things to remember

Always have generous quantities of water every day. Your water intake should be as much as three to four liters every day. Together with it, a complete six to eight hours of sleep is also essential. Stick to toned milk as whole milk leads to weight gain.

Exercises to follow

Physical exercise is a must to provide the body with the required energy and tone up the muscles properly. An excellent yoga that serves all your purposes, at this age, is being discussed below.

The yoga ‘Sarvangasana’

‘Sarva’ is Sanskrit is whole and ‘Asana’ is posture. So, this asana aims at whole body benefit. It is extremely beneficial in promoting normal flow of blood throughout the body, making the spine flexible, reducing skin diseases and curbing pimples and acne. It helps in arresting acidity and indigestion too.

The methodology of the yoga

Lie down straight on a flat surface, keeping your hands on either side of your body. Your spine must be straight and your shoulder must be placed firmly on to the ground. Stretch out your legs straight.

Begin the exercise by lifting your legs slowly, together. Lift them to such a height that they are at an angle of ninety degrees from the ground. Support your raised position with your hands, holding your waist from either side of your body. The upper part of your waist and your back, your head and neck will lie to the ground while the rest part will be raised. Breathe in as you lift your body.

Hold on to this posture for about 10 to 15 seconds and then release. Breathe out now. For the best part of the exercise encourage normal breathing. Take rest for about a minute and follow three sets of this exercise in total.

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