Manage Your PDF Files Using PDFBear Online Tools 100% Free and Safe

Dealing with so many PDF files at work or school every day has never been easy. You might be working for a company giving you a job to manage all of the electronic files, such as letters, records, financial documents, inventory details, and other related paperwork. If you’re still studying, you might also be handling so many PDFs, like eBooks, journals, and other school-related learning materials. 

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Because of this, you’ll be needing a system to help you manage these PDF files in your computer file storage most efficiently. The internet can provide you with a lot of options, but the most reliable platform that most PDF users utilize is PDFBear. It’s a website offering you access to its various online tools you can use for your PDF files. 

You can find these tools on the official website of PDFBear that are absolutely free. Here’s a list of tools you can use, and check the details of how to use each one properly and effectively that’s 100% free and safe. 

PDF Merger

Having tons of PDF files in your computer storage can be a little bit hard to organize. When you look for a particular document, it might take you a long time to find it in a disorderly computer folder. That’s why you should use the easy merge PDF tool of PDFBear that will help you solve your problem.

The merger tool will allow you to combine different PDFs in one file. Hence, you can merge multiple files that you usually use to accomplish particular tasks. You can also put PDF files together that serve similar content and purpose. You can even use your personal idea of categorization that you think will work effectively. 

That’s how helpful it is to use the file merger of PDFBear. Just don’t forget to rename the merged files to retrieve them in the future easily. Hence, if you’ll be looking for a particular document in your computer folder next time, you would know which folder to access and quickly search for it. 

Repair PDF Tool

Another online tool of PDFBear is the repair PDF tool. You might have some PDFs that you have been using for so long, but you can’t open them now, or if you can, you find nothing on there. If this is the case, these PDF files might be damaged. Don’t worry because PDFBear has an online tool to fix your damaged files for free. 

Just upload your files on the repair PDF tool of PDFbear online. The system will then recover your damaged files in a few seconds. However, some files might be impossible to fix, especially if a computer virus might have completely corrupted them in your device. But for those that can still be fixed, the PDFBear repair kit can process recovering your PDF files, making them usable again for whatever purpose they may serve best. 

PDF Protection Tool

One of your priorities in using your PDF files for various purposes is to make all of the information these files contain safe from people trying to access them without your permission. Your PDFs might contain valuable information that you don’t want to share with other people you don’t know.

Hence, setting up a password for your PDF files will solve your problem. Don’t worry because PDFBear uses smart technology when it comes to file protection. It allows you to use its PDF protection tool online for free. You only have to upload your PDFs on the online tool of PFBear.

The system will then require you to provide a personalized password, so you should create a new one, incorporating different numbers, letters, and other characters you prefer. Tap the “Encrypt PDF” button, and the system will initiate saving the password you provided. Once it’s finished, you can now download the encrypted PDFs in your computer file storage. That’s the fastest way to set up a password for your PDF files using PDFBear. 

Also Read: 3 Word to PDF Converters You Should Try Out


Dealing with so many PDF files every day as part of your job or accomplishing tons of paperwork at school has never been easy. However, the help of online tools previously discussed will surely make your job easy. The list above is only a few of those you can find on the official website of PDFBear. Visit the site now to check other tools you might need and see different opportunities that the platform can help you with your PDF files most effectively and efficiently.

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