Are you Looking to Strengthen your Facebook Presence?

Want to optimize your Facebook page in order to make it look more attractive?Want to optimize your Facebook page in order to make it look more attractive? While there are tons of ways to improve your Facebook marketing results, it all starts with your Facebook page. How it looks, and what signals it sends to visitors.

Of course, as a business, you want Facebook to help shed light on your business from a point of view that makes you look trusted and professional.

In this article, we’ll give you simple ways you can improve your Facebook page.1. Have an appealing and clear cover photo

Your cover photo is the photo right behind your profile mage (on a Smartphone), and just to the right of your profile picture on a computer.

Due to the sheer size of the cover photo, and where on the photo is situated, it is often the first thing people see when visiting your profile.

And this makes it even more important to have a high-quality and appealing photo that speaks your brand message right from the first time people see it.


First of all, you need to make sure your cover photo is of the correct size. Otherwise, it might result in an awkward cut of your image, or you not fitting everything you wanted into it.

  • Your cover photo is displayed in 820 pixels wide and 312 pixels high on a computer.
  • Your cover photo is displayed in 40 pixels wide and 360 pixels high on Smartphone’s.
  • Your cover photo is not displayed on so-called feature phones.
  • Your cover photo has to be at least 399 pixels wide and 150 pixels high.
  • Your cover photo will load the quickest if it is uploaded as an RGB JPG-file that is 851 pixels wide, 315 pixels high and is smaller than 100KB.

You should have two goals with your cover photo. First off, you want it to empower your brand message, and secondly, you want people to understand what your business does in about 3 seconds.

If you have succeeded with all of those, you can confidently say that you have a strong cover photo.

2. Optimize your profile photo

Now that we’ve optimized our cover photo, it brings us to the profile photo.

  • Your profile picture is displayed in the size 170X170 pixels on computers
  • Your profile photo is displayed in the size 128X128 pixels on Smartphone’s.
  • Your profile photo is displayed in the size 36×36 pixels on most feature phones.

Note that your photo will be cut so that it becomes square when you upload it.

Your profile photo is the photo people will see most from your page, thus, it is even more important to have a good profile photo than cover photo.

As a brand, knowing what profile photo you should have is often not a big challenge because the recommendation is that brands should have their logo as their profile photo.

By having your logo as your profile photo, you’ll increase brand awareness, while also making people relate your brand with your logo.

You should also know that depending on where your profile photo is displayed, because your profile photo is always displayed next to your profile, and depending on where your profile is seen, it will be reformatted into different sizes.

Therefore, it’s critical that you see how your profile picture looks on all the possible places where it can be displayed.
Here are the places where people can see your profile photo:

  • Your profile
  • In the new feed of your followers
  • On your own timeline posts
  • When you leave a comment
  • When you make comments and posts on other pages

3. Don’t forget you’re about section

Many people who are interested in your business, or whose interest you spark with your profile or cover photo, are going to read your About section. Therefore, it’s important that it’s up to date and consists of all necessary information about your brand.

If you have a physical location, it is recommended that you have business hours, contact information and address to that venue.

If you do not have a physical location, set your account to “Brand” or “Company” when creating your page. This will let Facebook display your About description right on your timeline.

What should you write in your About section?

Apart from the obvious that you should fill in all necessary information such as email or phone number, you should also write a text.

This demands a little more thought as you want it to include all necessary information, while at the same time being fun and interesting.

You only have 155 characters to write your description with, so make them count. Cut to the point clearly, and don’t include what isn’t necessary.

4. Remove old content (if possible)

If you’ve had your page for a few years, there’s a big chance that you’ve stocked up on a whole lot of content.

Some of which is top-notch, and some of which is less good.

Every now and then, take a look at your older content and see if there is anything of the content you’ve shared in the past that no longer aligns with your brand’s core values and therefore shouldn’t be on your page anymore.

Have you posted content in the past that today would be controversial and met with criticism today?

Remove the content that doesn’t hold your standards today, but also leave content that you’ve posted in the past that shows your tremendous journey and improvement over the years.

5. Get the “Very responsive to messages” badge

If you haven’t heard about the “Very responsive to messages” badge, it is a badge that your page gets to show which pages respond to private messages quickly and consistently. By having this badge, you show that your brand has a great customer service with the goal of responding quickly.

In order to receive the badge, you must have achieved the following over the last 7 days:

  • A response rate of 90%
  • A response time of 15 minutes

Everyone can see your badge once you have it, but only you and the admins of the page can access your response rate otherwise.

The badge works as a sign of customer care and helps empower the feeling of you being a serious and professional business.

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