How to Turn a Camping Trip into a Glamping One

How to Turn a Camping Trip into a Glamping One: Everyone needs a vacation once in a while to rest and recharge from the stress of work and daily life. Due, in no small part, to the rise in the cost of living over the last few years, both in the United States and farther afield, more and more people are choosing to spend their annual vacation camping rather than breaking the bank with a foreign holiday. 

There is, however, a wonderful middle ground called glamping, and this article is dedicated to transforming a normal camping trip into a glamping adventure!

Outdoor Heating

Firstly, you cannot expect the Instagram photographs to be on point if you are all shivering in a corner, so outdoor heating is one of the core elements of the ultimate glamping trip. 

This means that you will need a source of electricity, but for other activities and glamping upgrades, too, a power source is certainly not a bad idea!

Choose the Right Tent for Camping Trip

The basic requirements for a tent for a camping trip are essentially the same for a glamping one, aside from the following additions and improvements:

  • A simple erection and dismantling process
  • Double the size for the number of people
  • Head height across the entire tent for comfort
  • A high-quality and trusted brand 
  • Removable sides should you need some air 

Forget the Sleeping Bags!

Not only does glamping mean ditching the campsite at the side of the highway for a much more natural view, but it also means ensuring you have a more luxurious sleep.

Pack in the car your coziest and thickest duvets, blankets, and pillows from home, and even though this sounds a little overkill, you should also remember to bring a fitted sheet for the air mattress too. 

Reserve America is the best online resource for searching through the plethora of different campsites in and around the beautiful and natural Lake George area, so take the time to research the most stunning camping vistas beforehand.

Plan Relaxing Entertainment

You may well be looking forward to evening meals and drinks at the local public house or campsite clubhouse. Still, when you return after an enjoyable day of exploration, some entertainment is definitely in order.

Nothing says glamping more than dressing in a gown and slippers around the campfire to elevate your evenings to the next level; either bring along a good-quality Bluetooth speaker and compile a glamping playlist, or else, if anyone is a musician, ask them to bring along their guitar!

Comfort is Key!

Not only should you want to make your dining experience more romantic and luxurious, but comfort should also be the buzzword for your whole weekend.

Make sure you have a big enough tent for your loved ones to hang out and relax in, and fill the space with cushions, blankets, and a portable heater should the environment call for one. Finally, ensure you leave plenty of time for resting and taking in the wonderful views, not adhering to a packed-full itinerary with no space for relaxing.

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