How to Retain Your Caregivers (Guide for Agencies)

Between now and 2030, home care agencies are going to be under pressure to retain their caregivers. The industry is quickly becoming more competitive, and it is becoming increasingly common for caregivers to leave their roles. Usually, this is because of one of the following: 

  • Improper training 
  • Long work hours 
  • Difficult relationships with patients 

When you take all of this into account, it becomes clear that retaining your caregivers should be the number one priority over the coming years so that your agency can maintain high standards. Retaining your caregivers is not the giant task you might assume. In fact, it is relatively straightforward – and this guide is here to help you do it. 

If you successfully follow all of the tips below, you’ll be able to make your caregivers happier and more satisfied with their roles, which will then ensure that they remain with your agency for the long term. Whether you are the manager of your agency or part of the recruitment team, here is what you need to do: 

Provider Better Training 

As mentioned in the introduction paragraph, a common complaint amongst caregivers is that they do not feel like they are properly trained for their roles. For example, if a caregiver regularly visits elderly patients with special requirements they can’t fulfill, this will create a problem. It will also lead to unsatisfied patients who might even submit complaints. 

The key is to provide better administrator training to your caregivers. Through training courses that can be completed online, you will be able to prepare your caregivers for specific clients who require extra help. In addition to this, your agency will be able to develop important skills amongst your workforce, such as teamwork and leadership (which are incredibly important in the world of caregiving and healthcare). When caregivers receive the best training in a modern format, they will be happier with your agency. In turn, you will get to experience the huge benefit of a low staff turnover. 

Offer Flexible Payment Options 

In the post-COVID era of work, where it seems like almost everything has gone digital, offering your caregivers flexible payment options is vital. Currently, many employees are receiving their salaries through PayPal as well as other online payment systems. Additionally, some employees are being paid weekly instead of monthly, which is something else for your agency to consider. In a nutshell, the more flexibility you can offer your caregivers when it comes to payments, the better

Offer Flexible Schedules, Too 

These days, it is common for people to become caregivers as a second job. Because of this, they need flexible schedules so that they can work on a part-time basis. Therefore, it is smart to offer flexible schedules to your employees who specifically need them. Also, when you post caregiver vacancies online, make it clear to people that they can apply for flexible roles within your agency. 

Incentives Are Important 

Employee incentives are important in today’s job markets. To keep your caregivers loyal, you need to give them incentives, such as bonuses and holidays throughout the year. The more motivated a caregiver is, the harder they will work! 

Collect Monthly Feedback 

At the beginning or end of each month, your agency needs to collect employee feedback. This will enable you to understand how you can improve things for your caregivers. 

Ideally, feedback should be collected by one of the following: 

  • Email surveys 
  • SMS surveys 
  • Anonymous feedback forms 

From the feedback your agency collects, major improvements can be made from top to bottom. In many cases, these improvements will also positively impact your patients. 

Here is an example of what might happen: the overwhelming majority of caregivers report to you that patients are rude to them. In a case like this, you would have to find a solution, such as providing patients with guides detailing how to communicate and be polite with caregivers. Month by month, you and your team will be able to eliminate lots of problems from your agency and make it a fun and exciting place to work – all thanks to the feedback you receive from existing caregivers! 

Remember, though, do not leave it too long to act on feedback. As soon as a trend is identified across caregiver feedback, act on it as soon as possible. If the problem is not acted upon, it will discourage caregivers from giving honest feedback to you in the future, negatively impacting both parties.

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