Customer Service 101: The Value of Great Consumer Care

The Value of Great Consumer Care

You’d be hard to find a successful company without great customer care.

In order for your business to truly flourish, you need not only to understand what each consumer is looking for, but also establish a relationship that treats each consumer in an exclusive tone. After all, business revolves around providing something that benefits the individual. If your business fails to connect with your target audience, clients, investors or current customers you can expect that business to sink to the bottom of the theoretical marketplace ocean a place where all too many failed businesses now resonate.

Whether it’s a first-time buyer or long-term client, developing a strong camaraderie between B to C (business to consumer) can even help struggling businesses to survive, where customers know they’ve developed a relationship that makes them feel unique.

Customer service is a business chance to channel information to answer concerns, questions or suggestions the customer may have and if the customer has a poor experience with the company representative, you can expect that individual to take their business elsewhere.

Ultimately, some products or services may be a bit more confusing than others, requiring consistently patient customer care to help alleviate concern over the consumer.

For example, when you call a company such as DIRECTV customer service, they provide excellent and comprehensive care for their customers because they know their industry requires many questions to be asked which is one of the many reasons why they have become the leader in their industry because they understand the customer’s needs.

Tips for Customer Service Online:

  • Answer emails within a 24-hour window – If you assume returning emails less than one day to be overwhelming, it may be advisable to publish a turnaround time embedded into the email.
  • Live chat Sure, this may require additional staff members; however, this strategy can make customers communicate more specifically and allow a higher quantity of questions to be answered with higher quality.
  • Publish a request to call button This will allow customers to pick and choose a time that works in favor of both their schedule and your teams.
  • Publish useful content online Your Company website is the cornerstone for customer information. To limit customer inquiries, provide detailed, comprehensive and easily digestible content throughout your business FAQ category.

Tips for in Person Customer Service:

  • Provoke positive energy The moment a customer walks through your doors, they should be welcomed with warm positively. After all, attraction starts at the beginning of all facets of life.
  • Alert your customers If long lines or service is expected, don’t leave your customers flailing in the dust. Approach them and notify them when they will be approximately taken care of.
  • Hire knowledgeable, highly trained employees This is the bread and butter of establishing great customer care within your place of business. If a customer approaches an in house staff member ill-equipped to handle basic questions of the product or service, you may want to reconsider your training process or hiring process altogether.
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