7 Key Benefits of Using a Badge Holder for Your Nursing Staff

Being a nurse is a demanding job that requires multiple shifts, sometimes even working up to 12 hours in a day.

With long working hours and few breaks in between, your nursing staff is prone to misplacing their possessions, even their identification tags. To make sure they hold the proper identification at all times, consider purchasing badge holders for your entire staff.

badge holder ensures that your staff has the proper identification they need at all times. It makes them more productive because they will derive a better sense of purpose from clearly visible identification.

Your nursing staff can wear their badge holder anywhere, whether on their wrist or their nursing uniform. It can even become a fashion accessory if that’s how they want to wear their badge holder. Here are the key benefits of using this accessory. 

Easy Accessibility

Your nursing staff needs both their hands for many tasks, such as when they’re carrying hospital equipment or escorting a patient to their destination, and they might not have the hands available to fetch their ID card. 

With a badge holder safely attached externally, they can easily access doors that have a scanner or travel in the elevator without using their hands. It can be very beneficial to nurses handling patients specifically to save time on introductions.

For Identification

When you walk into your institution, you should be able to recognize nurses and call them by their names easily. This can only be possible when they have badge holders that display their ID, which includes their name on it. 

Calling your nurses by name not only saves time by quickly identifying which nurse is needed for the job, but it also makes it more convenient for newcomers who want to become familiar with the nurses. 


By ensuring that all identification cards are inside badge holders, you will allow the ID cards to be protected against several types of damage, which include:

  • Water damage and light exposure
  • RFID damage
  • General wear and tear
  • Scratches 

A badge holder protects the ID cards of your nurses by ensuring resistance to any damage. Still, it remains fully visible to anyone who needs to see the card for identification. 

Security Purposes 

When your nurses don’t have badge holders, they tend to lose their IDs more. This can be a security issue for your institution because anyone can gain access through a lost ID.

To make your premises more secure, getting badge holders for your nursing staff will make lost IDs a less common occurrence and decrease the chances of fraud happening within your institution.

Getting a badge holder isn’t just a fashion accessory. It lets your staff easily and quickly access locked doors and entrances without skipping protocol. 


Replacing lost and worn IDs can be expensive in the long run. Investing in badge holders initially might be expensive but saves you from spending more in the future. 

When you’re constantly spending time and effort in replacing IDs when you can be doing other tasks, it also ends up as money lost for your institution. 

Builds Better Working Relationships

It can be awkward for your employees to repeatedly introduce themselves to one another, which can be resolved when there are badge holders that clearly show the name and department of the employee.

Badge holders can lead colleagues to interact more familiarly and create better interpersonal relationships between them. 

All employees can also easily determine who the other person is and what department they belong to, which can be beneficial when they quickly need to contact someone from a specific department. They don’t need to ask each person and glance at the badge holders.

Increase Institutional Awareness

When your nursing staff leaves to go home at the end of their day, they are still wearing their badge holders. It can generate awareness among the people they encounter outside their work premises. 

When your IDs display the name or logo of your institution, they work as great advertising material. Your nursing staff can proudly represent an institution that requires a high-level security clearance.

Badge Holders and Their Importance to Your Organization 

You may have seen a lot of institutions that have already implemented badge holders for their staff. A badge holder looks aesthetically pleasing and signifies the importance of your institution.

An affordable method to better identify your nursing staff and give them a sense of direction when they’re working in your institution, buy badge holders today for your entire staff to see immediate results. Find high-quality holders with durable material and sturdy construction for long-term usage.

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