5 Benefits And Ideas Of Employee Awards In The Office According To HR Experts


What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the term Employee Recognition? Or rewards and recognition ideas?

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  • Corporate gifts?
  • Top Employee of the Year?
  • Performance award?

Well, employee recognition goes far beyond appreciating employees for their hard work. Employee recognition also means that you appreciate their presence in your organizations.

A thoughtful award trophy can help the employees to feel needed in the organization and give them a purpose to work hard.

Benefits Of Employee Recognitions

Employees that work for companies having strong employee recognition programs are happy and satisfied with their work. Making an effort to acknowledge your employees is always the best way to boost their morale.

Find out how employee recognition can impact your business.

1. Boost Employee Productivity

Once you start recognizing your employees’ effort, you will see that your employees are happy and are putting extra effort into their work. This will eventually boost the productivity of the organizations.

2. Retain Talented Employees

Employee retention is a major issue for the organization and is often discussed in business meetings. Organizations work hard to hire talented individuals, just to lose them due to a lack of employee recognition programs. Employees are hungry for recognition; if you can satisfy their hunger, they will be with the organization for a long time.

3. Encourages Positive Workplace Culture

Business culture is very important if you want your business to be productive. And having employee recognition programs in the work culture is a healthy sign that shows that organization values their employees.

4. Create Collaborative Work Environment

Employee recognition boosts the communication level among the team members. When you recognize employees for their hard work, you encourage positive behavior and enforce best communication practices. 

5. Motivate The Employees

Employee recognition, as a whole, boosts the morale of the employees. This increase in self-confidence and self-esteem helps the employees to carry on with their hard work.

Best Ideas For Employee Recognition Awards

Do you remember how needed you felt when you were appreciated for your hard work in the organization? Well, the same thing goes for other employees as well.

Here are some of the best ideas to recognize your employees.

1. Certificate Of Achievements

Certificate of achievement or rewarding your employees with top performer awards make them feel special in the organizations. This makes them feel needed and recognized. 

2. Recognition From Peers

Recognition from peers is the best to boost employees’ morale, self-confidence, and self-esteem. Highlighting your employees’ achievements and recognizing them at business meetings can be fulfilling for the employees.

3. Handwritten Notes

Although handwritten notes are getting out of fashion, they still hold some importance. A personal handwritten note is always effective and shows sincerity in your appreciation and recognition. In some cases, money and trinkets might not be as effective as handwritten notes.

4. Work Anniversaries

Make the employees feel special on their big days. Celebrating days like their birthdays and work anniversaries are the best way to make your employees feel special.

5. Special Projects

Give your employees an opportunity to work on special projects. Doping this will allow you to show appreciation and gratitude towards their hard work. This will demonstrate that you have confidence in their skills.

Take Away

Whether you use one of these several ideas for your employee recognition plans, it is important that you remember that these programs are for the employees. So, keep that in mind while launching an employee recognition plan.

There you have it. We have listed down the best practices for the employee recognition programs and how it can benefit your organization. We hope that you were able to find a solution for your recognition events. Do share your experience when you are done with the employee recognition program.

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