A Guide for First-Time Sellers: How to Prepare Your House for a Viewing

Whether you’re determined to make a significant profit from your home sale or whether you’re just desperate for a quick sell, you need to let potential buyers take a look at your property up close and personal. Should you fail to open up your doors, your house could end up languishing on the market for years to come.

Viewings play an important role in the home selling process. If you want to ensure that your humble abode is making a great impression on potential buyers whenever they come round to take a look at it, it’s crucial that you put the advice laid out below into practice.

Here are three things you need to be doing to prepare your home whenever you have a viewing booked:

1. Make the house feel homely

Potential buyers aren’t going to feel the urge to take your house off your hands if they can’t imagine themselves living in it, which is why you need to go above and beyond to make the property feel homely. You can achieve this by:

  • Hanging artwork on the walls
  • Filling your living space with fresh flowers
  • Opting for a soft color scheme
  • Displaying personal photos and mementos

2. Give the property a thorough clean

Nobody is going to find your home appealing if it’s utterly filthy! Before your first set of viewers come round, you simply must give your property a thorough clean. A light dusting won’t do, though. You need to put time, effort, and elbow grease into this all-important task if you want your home to appeal to potential buyers.

However, to give your home a thorough clean, you need the right tools at hand. If you’re serious about ridding your home of dust and pet hair, you need to invest in a powerful vacuum cleaner. As stated in your Hoover PowerDash Pet Carpet Cleaner article, the PowerDash is the perfect tool to have on your side in this instance. This robust machine cleans and dries excellently, it comes in a compact design, and it even has a dual-tank system that keeps clean and dirty water separate.

3. Spruce up your home’s exterior

Your home’s front exterior is the first thing that potential buyers will see when they step foot on your premises. If you want your property to make a lasting first impression on them, you need to boost your curb appeal.

To achieve this all-important feat, you must:

  • Trim your shrubs and mow your lawn
  • Hang out some planters
  • Light up the area
  • Embrace symmetry
  • Give your mailbox a makeover
  • Clean out your gutters – a common area people forget about
  • Modernize your house numbers
  • Give your driveway a power wash

If you want your home to sell quickly and for a fair price, you need to open up your doors to potential buyers. When you do book your first viewing, just make sure that you prepare your house by putting the advice laid out above into practice.

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