6 Trends in SEO You Must Know To Succeed in 2016

2015 was full of surprises for SEO industry where different updates like Mobilegeddon and quality algorithm for content penalized the websites. Along with this there was innovation of many new technologies, which improved the rankings and SEO in 2016.

With 2015 almost gone, it’s time to prepare for 2016 and update you with the trends for the coming year. Find below some of the SEO trends you can expect in 2016:

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

This is one of the decisive factors in success of any digital marketing campaign. Just driving traffic is not the aim of SEO; it is to convert the visitors into customers, which is called CRO.

Though there are different factors taken into consideration to measure CRO for varied websites, it will be more sophisticated in coming year. Web managers will have to look for advanced techniques and web tracking to convert the users quickly. The focus will also be on tracking of CRO to record different conversion types and varied stages during the sales process.

More Focus on Mobile Optimization

With mobile users growing in number and mobile searches surpassing desktop searches, the increased focus will be on mobile optimization of the websites. Mobilegeddon update from Google has already made it essential for the companies to make their websites mobile friendly to prevent them from any further penalty. The shift will continue in 2016 also to offer better experience to the visitors across different devices. Every digital marketing company in India is preparing itself to encourage their clients to get mobile optimized websites to get better ranking in the coming year.

Keywords Changed into Collections

With Google getting smarter and making search easier for the searchers by recognizing the meaning behind a query, the website owners are now compelled to focus on not just the keywords, but a group of keywords with the related synonyms. Now when Google can understand that a searcher looking for trousers might also mean pants, you get wider scope to reach target audience.

You just have to identify group of related terms, optimize the page as well as content accordingly and get ready for the increased traffic. It also increases value of the content, as you won’t just have to depend on a bunch of keywords.

Local Search

Local search has always been important to get attention of local customer, which is going to get more targeted in 2016. When Google Places has started showing just three results instead of seven, the competition has increased. Now businesses need to be more vocal and opt for advanced strategies like putting schema tagging and local listing to grab local market having high expectations in coming year.

Impact of Digital Assistance on Search Queries

With increasing use of spoken language queries and search engines getting increased number of queries from digital assistance, a whole new type of long-tail keyword queries has taken place. This gives more growth opportunities to the web pages having colloquial and conversational content to provide better research results.

Different Phases in SEO

The coming year 2016 will introduce SEO in different phases. To keep a pace with the changes, companies will also have to plan SEO accordingly. Digital marketing company in Delhi like YNG Media has already started working on the same to ensure success of their clients in 2016.

Marketers and SEO experts will have to plan different strategies and campaigns for different phases of user journey like a new visitor; a visitor convinced to make purchase and the one ready to buy the product. They need to look for a separate set of keywords for each target on the basis of their habits, search queries, location and site use habits.

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