5 Tips for Better Budgeting

Better Budgeting your money is one of the best things you can do to take charge of your financial well-being and future. Here are 5 tips for better budgeting.

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Use an App or Website

Using an app or website to budget makes things so much easier on you. There is no need to keep track of things with a pen and paper (unless you really prefer that and will keep up with it), and having a simple, clean and consistent layout and history of your budget will benefit you in the long run.

Do Some Research

Doing research on typical percentages for breaking down a budget is helpful. While no budget is the same, and everyone has different needs for their budget, you can at least get a sense of what you might be spending too much (or too little) money on each month.

Use Physical Cash

If you’re having trouble sticking with the budget you’ve created, one way to give yourself some help is using physical cash. Debit cards and other electronic forms of spending have a way of keeping the actual bank account and budget numbers “hidden” from our mind’s eye (or our actual eyes, for that matter), and withdrawing the right amount of cash each week for certain categories of spending can force you to control your spending in those areas.

Make It a Game

Another way to help yourself out when learning to adjust you spending is making a game out of it. For example, tell yourself you can’t go out to eat this week until you bring lunch to work four times in a row. This can be a fun way of practicing financial discipline and reaping the rewards of it on a regular basis, and it will also help you form good spending habits.

Make a Plan for Your Savings

Any financial advisor will, of course, tell you about the importance of saving. But it’s important to know what exactly you’re saving for in the first place. Perhaps you want to focus on retirement savings. Or perhaps you’re in a season that calls for focusing on saving for education or medical bills. Maybe you want to set a savings goal for next year’s vacation or even for a quick day trip with your family next month. Making specific goals for your savings will help keep you motivated in the long run.

Putting these tips into practice will help you to quickly get a better handle on your financial health and give you confidence and excitement for the future.

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