Why Consulting an Orthopaedic Surgeon Could Be the Right Move for You

It is easy to take our good health for granted. We wake up each day and, most of the time, we start the daily routine and grab breakfast and get ready to leave for work. Sure, we face some minor annoyances and there’s a lot of stress from life and our job. Overall, though, we are able to make it through everything pretty easily and at the best of moments there’s a nice flow to everything that is going on. We rely on our good health and our body working properly to get us through the day.

Being healthy is not a given in life, unfortunately. As we age, or if we suffer trauma from an accident, we may find that our world has changed dramatically. Sometimes a chronic condition arises that limits our ability to move or causes us a lot of pain. In other instances, a fall or car accident can change our health in an instant and leave us struggling to do once simple things. If you find you are having issues with your joints or bones and are in a lot of pain or having trouble moving as you used to, it may be time to consult with an orthopaedic surgeon.

You Want to Relieve Your Pain

One of the primary reasons that patients come to an orthopaedic surgeon is to greatly reduce or hopefully eliminate their pain. Pain can be caused by any number of chronic, acute or degenerative issues. When we are younger, our bodies generally function smoothly. As we age, though, aches and pains become more common and can reach a level where they prevent us from living life fully.

An orthopaedic specialist can help you alleviate pain by coming up with a comprehensive treatment plan. For instance, with osteoarthritis they’ll work with you to lower the levels of inflammation that are harming your overall joint health. It’s important not to wait for your pain to be unbearable before seeking help. Getting the medical advice you need early on and starting a treatment plan will ease your suffering and serve to speed up your eventual recovery.

It’s Difficult to Perform Once Easy Activities

As we get older, it’s very common to experience discomfort in our bones and joints. This is normal and to be expected, as the wear and tear of life can take a toll on us over time. If you find that your ability to perform your regular activities and live a normal life has been disrupted, it’s time to seek medical help. When tasks you used to do easily, such as walking down to the street to get your mail or going up or down stairs, become difficult you should talk to an orthopaedic specialist.

You might also find that you experience instability when you try to stand up or when you are walking. This is often a sign of joint issues, and you should get attention immediately. Because orthopaedics covers so many of the body’s structural systems, these doctors often specialize in specific areas. It’s a good idea to work with a provider who focuses on the specific care you need.

You Have a Soft Tissue Injury

When you have a soft tissue injury, such as a sprained wrist or knee you twisted playing sports, you can first try home care to see if that helps. The RICE method of treatment is recommended for this early stage. RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. For rest, allow 24 to 48 hours with no activities that are weight bearing. Icing for 20 minutes every 4 hours can help reduce swelling and pain. An elastic bandage can provide compression, and you should elevate the injured area above the heart level to help your healing.

In the event things don’t improve after taking those steps, it’s wise to get an appointment with your orthopaedist. They will be able to diagnose exactly what is going on and provide you with the steps you need take for full healing. Often, they’ll take a conservative approach initially and see how your body responds to the treatment protocols.

If you are having trouble with your joints or bones and notice that you can no longer easily do what you used to, setting up an appointment with an orthodpaedic surgeon would be a good idea. They are highly trained specialists who can quickly diagnose what’s going on and provide the care you need to speed your recovery.

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