Three Cosmetic Dental Treatments that will Enhance your Smile

Usually when somebody mentions going to the dentist the things that spring to mind are general check-ups, fillings or a good old root canal. People seem to be unaware of the more advanced treatments that their cosmetic dentist in Harley Street can provide. These treatments are all capable of improving the aesthetics of your smile. Whilst there are a lot more than three cosmetic treatments available the following ones have proven to be extremely popular, when people are seeking to improve both their confidence and the appearance of their teeth. 

If you find yourself wishing that you felt better about your smile or enjoyed featuring in photographs more then it may be time to speak to your practitioner about what they can do for you.

Say goodbye to stained teeth

You only have one set of adult teeth, and these are supposed to last you your entire life. As they get older it is likely that they will start to become stained or obtain a yellowish tint. Discolouration can be caused by all sorts of things from a poor brushing regime to certain lifestyle habits such as drinking a lot of tea or smoking. If you find yourself hiding your smile from others because you feel embarrassed about the colour of your teeth, you may benefit from having a tooth whitening treatment. 

There are lots of teeth whitening treatments available and you can either have your dental professional do the whitening for you or they can provide you with a home-kit so you can do it yourself. You can discuss how many shades brighter you wish your teeth to be with your practitioner, and they can suggest which type of treatment is most suited to your circumstances. A brighter, whiter smile can not only make you feel more confident but make you appear more youthful too. 

Do you wish you could hide your chips?

It is not unusual for people to chip their adult teeth at some point in their life. They could have been involved in a sporting accident or one of their teeth could have become weakened before finally chipping. If your chip is in one of your front teeth then this could cause you to feel insecure when it comes to flashing your teeth in a smile. A chip can stand out, but porcelain veneers can completely cover up any chips that you have, whether it is just the one or several. 

They attach comfortably to the surfaces of your teeth and make your teeth appear much more even, as they are capable of making each individual tooth seem either longer or wider, or both, whatever is necessary. People will no longer be able to notice the chips that you once had, and your teeth could potentially appear several shades whiter too.

Tired of your fillings standing out?

Fillings are not normally recognised for their subtle nature as they are generally metallic and can be easily noticed when you are speaking to someone. White fillings provide you with the opportunity to upgrade your fillings to more natural looking and less noticeable ones. They are designed to blend in with the rest of your teeth and work just the same as metallic ones. 

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