The Importance of Good Home Lighting

Professional interior designers and decorators alike will tell you just how important it is for effective home design to make considered lighting choices. When a home already comes with standard ceiling lights, and the positions of the windows can’t be changed, it doesn’t mean there is nothing to be done about an improved lighting setup. Good lighting can elevate an otherwise ordinary room into something welcoming, comfortable, and beautiful, whereas poor lighting can turn even the most well-designed room into an unappealing and unpleasant space. While some elements of home lighting are more difficult to change than others, you can always adapt to your circumstances and make the most of what you have.

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Natural Light

Windows, doors, sun tunnels, and skylights all let natural sunlight from the outside into your home. House prices can vary within a similar neighborhood depending on the angles and positions of rooms and windows within the building since natural sunlight is such a valuable commodity. Some homes are optimally positioned in such a way that the sunrise illuminates ideal rooms of the house and lights up the garden at the best times of the day. Other homes might need to be more strategic with how they choose to light their interiors since natural sunlight might be blocked by walls or other buildings. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to do this.

Areas of Shade

It makes sense that light is valuable in a home since it not only provides a practical purpose by letting you see, but it also creates and alters the mood of a room. Similarly, the lack of light can affect how a room is perceived, for better or for worse. Not all rooms must be brightly illuminated at all times. For example, bedrooms with too much light can make it more difficult to achieve good sleep. You can find window shutters in OC that stylishly block or permit light into the room as needed.

Main Lighting

Many homes already have fixtures for lighting in the middle of the ceiling. Lights positioned here are intended to provide illumination for the whole room from a single point. Although it can be useful to only concern yourself with one source of light, it doesn’t tend to be enough or provide the right kind of light to a room. Of course, this depends on the quality of the bulb and lampshade.

Soft Lighting

Soft lighting, as compared to main lighting, is better at adding depth and mood to a space. Smaller sources of light such as table lamps, fairy lights, or even candles can offer opportunities to divide the room into gently blending zones, such as a reading corner or a study space. Harsh or insufficient overhead lighting fails to provide this kind of depth and can make a room appear flat and uninviting.

Light Color

The color of light in a room can have a surprising impact on the mood it creates. Warm light and natural light are more relaxing, whereas cool light is more invigorating. Studies have shown that the blue light from screens contributes to poorer sleeping habits, so if you are designing a comfortable bedroom, opt for warmer light.

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