Speaking Picture is the Big Next in the Sphere of Internet

The internet has evolved considerably, and while there are numerous events that have spearheaded the growth of the internet. Speaking pictures is the big next thing.

How does it work?

An app called Voxweb allows users to add an audio clip to images (up to 11 seconds long) so that they can add emotions to the pictures. Once you add emotions, you can share it amongst users in your contact list. However, if you receive such images, it is easy to identify them they are marked with an orange colored line. All you need to do is tap on the image for it to speak.

Why Not Video?
There are multiple reasons bandwidth, formats and class are some of the most popular reasons. Considering that videos take up considerable resources, these audio pictures caters to the user base who look to sharing emotions without any constraints including that of bandwidth. Besides, videos are not very perfect to share and sometimes a user may not want to record it simultaneously. Voxweb allows you to first capture the picture and then record the audio. Something that looks very crisp and neat.

Everything Looks Great, But How Is This So Big?
The explanation is quite simple. The way images are taken or are shared over a period of time are pretty limited. For instance, no one has seriously thought of making any amendments to the pictures and everyone was confined to their own limited way of thinking.

How Can It Make A Difference To Your Life?
Just exactly how pictures, then color pictures and finally video did to your life. In each successive stage, there was more exchange of emotions, and that’s where this app gets heads up. Here, you can share emotions, laughter and just about everything along with the picture, so that the recipient gets a better insight of your emotions.

It is noteworthy that audio pictures will give a vivid presentation to the user about emotions, feelings and so on. Such exchange would spell bound everyone who accesses the picture.

An 11-second clip is good enough to capture any human emotion, so whatever you intend to get transpired is communicated.

In the hindsight, Voxweb is fine tuning image sharing across the internet and it looks set to dominate the internet. An estimate of 350 million photos are uploaded on the biggest social media platform, and with speaking picture’s popularity picking up, it looks to take its share in the web. It might take some time for audio images to catch up with the regular ones, but one thing is sure it is going to be very popular, and would soon pip any other form of image sharing.

The future looks promising and if the enthusiasm of team Voxweb and their user base has to go by, it is sure to pip every form of image sharing.

It is just as big of an event as the advent of Facebook in social media or the advent on Xerox in the photocopy segment.

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