Make Your Summer Holidays Special with Private Yacht Rental

Going on a private yacht cruise during summers can be an unforgettable experience both for you and your children. If you take certain precautions about your family safety and zero in on cheap private yacht rental that fit your budget, you are ready to set sail.

We have outlined what you need to keep in mind to give your family that dream vacation.

Safety Considerations: When it comes to sailing with kids, you need to be extra careful. Summer holidays should be a memorable one both for them as well as for you.

Some simple measures will ensure the safety of your children:-

  • Ensure that your children, especially those below 12 years of age, wear a life jacket.
  • Going on the foredeck while sailing should be avoided.
  • They should be asked to go below if there is rough weather.
  • Let them be familiar with the yacht. Let them unwind and be themselves.
  • Ensure that the first day of the sail is short.
  • Keep snacks and water handy so that they are not hungry or thirsty.

Food Preferences: Ensure that you carefully fill up the preference sheet before you start the cruise. State clearly what you would like including food and beverages. Don’t forget to mention the allergies of each member. Add the dietary details as well.

A Crew is a Must: Having a crew has many advantages. Firstly, you are able to truly relax without having to worry about navigating and the safety of those on board. All aspects are taken care of by the crew from provisioning to cleaning. You get some great insights about a particular area, and your kids will really enjoy this.

Cost of Charter: The cost of the charter will depend on the size of the yacht. A 45-foot catamaran will easily accommodate 4 couples and bring down the average cost per couple to $4,500 per couple per week.

You can go for older but well-maintained yachts. It simply means substantial discounts for you. There are a lot of companies in the second tier that offers affordable rates.

The airlines connecting you to the charter also offer benefits if you fly mid-week. Firstly, you get a discount on airfare, and secondly, you are spared the weekend rush for charters. These apply to destinations like the Caribbean. Check out the options provided by charter yachts of Newport Beach before you take your decision.

Choice of Destination: Go online and find out the best deals offered for summer holidays. Go for destinations with low bookings, and you will be able to get a 10-day cruise at the same price you would have paid for a week-long yacht cruise. You get discounts between 30% and 60% in the Mediterranean and the Caribbean in May or June. You will find lesser crowds, beautiful weather and cheaper restaurants.

Hotels: You can give hotels a miss and opt for sleep aboard options. The advantages of this are you pay only 50% of the day rate for the above option, and you also get to get accustomed to the boat as well as complete the pre-departure briefing.

Get Your Own Provisions: You can save more than a $1000 if you do the shopping yourself. You get the food you need at a huge discount from the store as well avoid wastage.

From destinations to provisions, there are considerable savings to be made on a private yacht cruise provided you have accounted for every little detail.

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