Ideal Time Management Solutions for Your Business

The coronavirus pandemic has completely changed the way that we work. Many industries have gone either partially or completely online, meaning that more people than ever before are working from home. This change brings its own set of challenges, for both employees and employers, whether working on the latest Firefly launch or delivering quality marketing services. A home environment is completely different from an office one, and time management skills are more necessary than ever. Even if people return to office work in the future, time management solutions will still need to be handled in a more flexible way. We’re going to look at some of the most effective time management tips for small businesses.

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Todoist is a great tool for organizing your working time. You can get a certain amount of usability with the free version, which doesn’t have any kind of time limit set on it. Or, you can pay extra for the premium bundle. The app gives you a straightforward set of tools to manage your time and is compatible with a range of different devices. You can easily set up a list of daily goals, check progress, and tick them off as they’re completed. It also provides a range of templates for setting up projects. There’s also a range of automatic reminders to keep you in the loop.

Remember the milk?

As the name suggests, Remember the Milk is more of a reminder app than a dedicated professional time management strategy program. However, it’s still got plenty to offer when it comes to creating a time management plan for small businesses. The app is built around list creation, letting you set up tasks and subtasks, and tick them off as they’re completed. One of its most useful functions is the option to attach files from Dropbox and Google Drive. It’s also usable in offline mode.


Timely has been designed to deal with a range of time management factors. It’s focused on tracking employees and providing information on their working hours and habits. Project dashboards give you an immediate overview of your employee’s productivity and working hours. Hourly rates, overtime, and capacity are all taken into account. And all information is presented in a streamlined manner that makes it easy to keep track of work. As a dedicated employee monitoring app, it’s a pretty great choice. is more versatile for meeting time management goals than most of the options we’ve looked at, mainly because of its impressive integration. can be integrated with over 100 different platforms, making it the ideal tool for a business that needs to use a range of various programs. Beyond that, offers responsive templates that can be adapted to most needs. It also lets you track documents, and work on them with your colleagues in real-time.


Connecteam is designed to let employers keep a close eye on their workers, and is the ideal tool if your workforce is operating online or remotely. It offers a number of different features that let you keep track of working hours and clock in or out. In addition, it offers a range of tools for employee time management training, and lets you easily set and customize tasks. It also offers GPS tracking, which could be useful if your employees are generally on the move. They also offer impressive levels of customer service if you encounter any issues while using the software.


If you want to get a more in-depth view of your employee’s habits, Desktime is the perfect tool. Desktime does more than just provide you with information on their clocking in and clocking out. It also lets you find out what URLs they’re using while on company time. On top of that, it even lets you take automatic screenshots of your employee’s desktops, making it easy to keep an eye on what they’re doing. In general, it can have a positive effect on employees’ time management, encouraging them to make the most of their time at work. It’s particularly useful for remote or online workers, who are often in an environment that’s less conducive to productive work.


Hubstaff is a great app that covers pretty much all the bases, without being intrusive in any way. It offers a range of different time tracking features, such as timesheets and their approval. It also provides you with regular reports, that can be customized depending on your needs. If you want, you can set up a range of different systems to keep a closer eye on your employee’s activities. For instance, it can provide you with screenshots, and information on the URLs your employees are viewing during working hours. At the same time, if you forget to stop a work timer, you can use the ‘delete idle time’ option to readjust the timer. And in more functional terms, it provides a number of features designed to facilitate things like invoices and payrolls.


The Homebase time management software benefits from a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate to whatever function you need. It offers a variety of different tools to manage your team remotely. You can monitor every aspect of your workforce, starting with the hiring process and covering all subsequent needs. It’s also versatile, and easy to apply to whatever industry you work in. There’s no limit to the number of employees you can monitor, and timesheet and payroll functions make it easy to take care of straightforward admin work. Plus, thanks to the 14-day free trial, you can find out how it works before investing.

Time Management Solutions for Your Business


Time management apps have the potential to make massive changes to how you manage your team. With remote working becoming more common in the future, it’s crucial that you invest in new ways to keep track of your team. Thanks to the above time management tools, there’s no shortage of solutions you can tailor to your own needs and the needs of your business.

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