How to Prepare for a House Move

You’ve sold your house and bought your dream home in your dream location, now you have to go through the process of relocation. A house move is a stressful time for anyone, with all the packing and unpacking involved and making sure that nothing gets lost or broken while in transit. However, organization and preparation are key to a smooth and stress-free move. To help you out, here are some tips on how you can prepare for a house move:

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Declutter as you Pack

Most people accumulate a lot of possessions in their day to day life, especially if kids are involved. A house move presents the ideal opportunity for a serious declutter – at no other time are you forced to systematically go through all your possessions in a relatively short period of time. You could work through a popular decluttering guide such as the KonMari method if you’re struggling where to start. Having a lot of possessions that you have to relocate and keep track of can quickly become stressful – and expensive – so try to pare down your possessions to the minimum you can live with. 

Rent a self-storage unit

No matter how much decluttering you do, for a lot of people there are items that you simply can’t bear to get rid of. These might include sentimental items that have been left to you in a beloved relative’s will, or expensive pieces of equipment that are used a handful of times a year. To help keep these items safe, you could keep them in a self-storage unit for the duration of the move, taking them to your new home once you have fully settled in. A self-storage unit is also a particularly good option for storing your possessions if there is a break between moving out of your old home and moving into your new one, when you may have to stay at a hotel or a friend’s house for the duration and do not have excessive storage space. Visit to find self-storage units in your area. 

Make sure items are Securely Packed and Labeled

Avoid the heartache of a precious heirloom ornament breaking during transit by making sure that all items are packed securely. Wrap delicate ornaments in protective bubble wrap and place in boxes stuffed with old newspaper for extra insulation. Make sure there are no holes or tears in your boxes and be careful not to overfill as this can lead to the delicate cardboard breaking and spilling your precious possessions onto the floor. To help you keep track of your items, and prevent anylate-night rummages trying to find a saucepan for your first meal at your new home, make sure that each box is clearly labeled with what it holds. You might find that it helps to number the boxes and write down exactly what each box contains in a separate master list that you keep with you throughout the move.

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