Why WordPress and WP E-Commerce Plugin ?
As you all know that wordpress is flexible to make any kind of website from blog to social networking you just need to choose right plugins and modify it according to your requirements and there are lots of plugins available for each kind of websites and for ecommerce also there are lots of plugins available but one of the most popular one is WP E-Commerce because its to flexible to code and easy to modify.
Why dealing in bitcoins ?
Nowadays bitcoin is one of the hottest topic in technologies whether its programming, mining or trading its now in headlines of technical news blogs and big sites like fiverr is accepting it because people wants to pay in bitcoins and accept this new currency as their secondary currency in real life but of course primary on internet, You should read my previous articles to know benefits of bitcoins and why to use bitcoins.
How to Accept Bitcoin in WordPress with WP E-Commerce Plugin ?
There are lots of third party payment gateway sites to deal with bitcoins just like Paypal deals in real currency Bitpay is one of them you just need to sign up there as merchant and install WP E-Commerce Plugin in your wordpress installation. Once you are done you need to open your plugin directory from wp-content -> plugins -> wp-eCommerce its plugin directory and once you are in you can see various different different folders for different different purpose one of them is wpsc-merchants which is for merchant account settings and payment gateway integration.
You need to download this plugin by clicking here and put extract and put this folder in that directory. once you have extracted you need to create one file in same directory “wpsc-merchants” and file name should be “bitpay.merchant.php” and write this codes in that file :
$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num][‘name’] = ‘BitPay’;
$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num][‘internalname’] = ‘wpsc_merchant_bitpay’;
$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num][‘function’] = ‘gateway_bitpay’;
$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num][‘form’] = ‘form_bitpay’;
$nzshpcrt_gateways[$num][‘submit_function’] = “submit_bitpay”;
function debuglog($contents)
$file = ‘wp-content/plugins/wp-e-commerce/wpsc-merchants/bitpay/log.txt’;
file_put_contents($file, date(‘m-d H:i:s’).“: “, FILE_APPEND);
if (is_array($contents))
file_put_contents($file, var_export($contents, true).“\n”, FILE_APPEND);
else if (is_object($contents))
file_put_contents($file, json_encode($contents).“\n”, FILE_APPEND);
file_put_contents($file, $contents.“\n”, FILE_APPEND);
function form_bitpay()
$rows = array();
// API key
$rows[] = array(‘API key’, ‘<input name=”bitpay_apikey” type=”text” value=”‘.get_option(‘bitpay_apikey’).‘” />’, ‘Create this at bitpay.com.’);
// transaction speed
$sHigh = $sMedium = $sLow = ”;
case ‘high’: $sHigh = ‘selected=”selected”‘; break;
case ‘medium’: $sMedium = ‘selected=”selected”‘; break;
case ‘low’: $sLow = ‘selected=”selected”‘; break;
$rows[] = array(‘Transaction Speed’,
‘<select name=”bitpay_transaction_speed”>’
.‘<option value=”high” ‘.$sHigh.‘>High</option>’
.‘<option value=”medium” ‘.$sMedium.‘>Medium</option>’
.‘<option value=”low” ‘.$sLow.‘>Low</option>’
.‘</select>’, ‘Speed at which the bitcoin transaction registers as “confirmed” to the store. This overrides your merchant settings on the Bitpay website.’);
//Allows the merchant to specify a URL to redirect to upon the customer completing payment on the bitpay.com
//invoice page. This is typcially the “Transaction Results” page.
$rows[] = array(‘Redirect URL’, ‘<input name=”bitpay_redirect” type=”text” value=”‘.get_option(‘bitpay_redirect’).‘” />’, ‘Put the URL that you want the buyer to be redirected to after payment.’);
foreach($rows as $r)
$output.= ‘<tr> <td>’.$r[0].‘</td> <td>’.$r[1];
if (isset($r[2]))
$output .= ‘<BR/><small>’.$r[2].‘</small></td> ‘;
$output.= ‘</tr>’;
return $output;
function submit_bitpay()
$params = array(‘bitpay_apikey’, ‘bitpay_transaction_speed’, ‘bitpay_redirect’);
foreach($params as $p)
if ($_POST[$p] != null)
update_option($p, $_POST[$p]);
return true;
function gateway_bitpay($seperator, $sessionid)
//$wpdb is the database handle,
//$wpsc_cart is the shopping cart object
global $wpdb, $wpsc_cart;
//This grabs the purchase log id from the database
//that refers to the $sessionid
$purchase_log = $wpdb->get_row(
“` WHERE `sessionid`= “.$sessionid.” LIMIT 1″
//This grabs the users info using the $purchase_log
// from the previous SQL query
$userinfo = $wpdb->get_results($usersql, ARRAY_A);
// convert from awkward format
foreach((array)$userinfo as $value)
if (strlen($value[‘value’]))
$ui[$value[‘unique_name’]] = $value[‘value’];
$userinfo = $ui;
// name
if (isset($userinfo[‘billingfirstname’]))
$options[‘buyerName’] = $userinfo[‘billingfirstname’];
if (isset($userinfo[‘billinglastname’]))
$options[‘buyerName’] .= ‘ ‘.$userinfo[‘billinglastname’];
//address — remove newlines
if (isset($userinfo[‘billingaddress’]))
$newline = strpos($userinfo[‘billingaddress’],“\n”);
if ($newline !== FALSE)
$options[‘buyerAddress1’] = substr($userinfo[‘billingaddress’], 0, $newline);
$options[‘buyerAddress2’] = substr($userinfo[‘billingaddress’], $newline+1);
$options[‘buyerAddress2’] = preg_replace(‘/\r\n/’, ‘ ‘, $options[‘buyerAddress2’], –1, $count);
$options[‘buyerAddress1’] = $userinfo[‘billingaddress’];
// state
if (isset($userinfo[‘billingstate’]))
$options[‘buyerState’] = wpsc_get_state_by_id($userinfo[‘billingstate’], ‘code’);
// more user info
foreach(array(‘billingphone’ => ‘buyerPhone’, ‘billingemail’ => ‘buyerEmail’, ‘billingcity’ => ‘buyerCity’, ‘billingcountry’ => ‘buyerCountry’, ‘billingpostcode’ => ‘buyerZip’) as $f => $t)
if ($userinfo[$f])
$options[$t] = $userinfo[$f];
// itemDesc
if (count($wpsc_cart->cart_items) == 1)
$item = $wpsc_cart->cart_items[0];
$options[‘itemDesc’] = $item->product_name;
if ( $item->quantity > 1 )
$options[‘itemDesc’] = $item->quantity.‘x ‘.$options[‘itemDesc’];
foreach($wpsc_cart->cart_items as $item)
$quantity += $item->quantity;
$options[‘itemDesc’] = $quantity.‘ items’;
if( get_option( ‘permalink_structure’ ) != ” ) {
$separator = “?”;
} else {
$separator = “&”;
$currencyId = get_option( ‘currency_type’ );
$options[‘currency’] = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( “SELECT `code` FROM `”.WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST.“` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1”, $currencyId ) );
$options[‘notificationURL’] = get_option(‘siteurl’).“/?bitpay_callback=true”;
//pass sessionid along so that it can be used to populate the transaction results page
$options[‘redirectURL’] = get_option(‘bitpay_redirect’).$separator.“sessionid=”.$sessionid;
$options[‘transactionSpeed’] = get_option(‘bitpay_transaction_speed’);
$options[‘apiKey’] = get_option(‘bitpay_apikey’);
$options[‘posData’] = $sessionid;
$options[‘fullNotifications’] = true;
// truncate if longer than 100 chars
foreach(array(“buyerName”, “buyerAddress1”, “buyerAddress2”, “buyerCity”, “buyerState”, “buyerZip”, “buyerCountry”, “buyerEmail”, “buyerPhone”) as $k)
$options[$k] = substr($options[$k], 0, 100);
$price = number_format($wpsc_cart->total_price,2);
$invoice = bpCreateInvoice($sessionid, $price, $sessionid, $options);
if (isset($invoice[‘error’])) {
// close order
$sql = “UPDATE `”.WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS.“` SET `processed`= ‘5’ WHERE `sessionid`=”.$sessionid;
//redirect back to checkout page with errors
$_SESSION[‘WpscGatewayErrorMessage’] = __(‘Sorry your transaction did not go through successfully, please try again.’);
header(“Location: “.get_option(‘checkout_url’));
header(“Location: “.$invoice[‘url’]);
function bitpay_callback()
global $wpdb;
$response = bpVerifyNotification(get_option(‘bitpay_apikey’));
if (isset($response[‘error’]))
$sessionid = $response[‘posData’];
//get buyer email
$sql = “SELECT * FROM `” . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . “` WHERE `sessionid`=”.$sessionid;
$purchase_log = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A );
$email_form_field = $wpdb->get_var( “SELECT `id` FROM `” . WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS . “` WHERE `type` IN (’email’) AND `active` = ‘1’ ORDER BY `checkout_order` ASC LIMIT 1” );
$email = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( “SELECT `value` FROM `” . WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITTED_FORM_DATA . “` WHERE `log_id` = %d AND `form_id` = %d LIMIT 1”, $purchase_log[0][‘id’], $email_form_field ) );
//get cart contents
$sql = “SELECT * FROM `” . WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS . “` WHERE `purchaseid`=”.$purchase_log[0][‘id’];
$cart_contents = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
//get currency symbol
$currency_id = get_option(‘currency_type’);
$sql = “SELECT * FROM `” . WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . “` WHERE `id`=”.$currency_id;
$currency_data = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
$currency_symbol = $currency_data[0][‘symbol’];
//list products and individual prices in the email
$message_product = “\r\n\r\nTransaction Details: \r\n\r\n”;
$pnp = 0.0;
$subtotal = 0.0;
foreach($cart_contents as $product) {
$pnp += $product[‘pnp’]; //shipping for each item
$message_product .= “x” . $product[‘quantity’] . ” “ . $product[‘name’] . ” – “ . $currency_symbol . $product[‘price’]*$product[‘quantity’] . “\r\n”;
$subtotal += $product[‘price’]*$product[‘quantity’];
//list subtotal
$subtotal = number_format($subtotal , 2 , ‘.’, ‘,’);
$message_product .= “\r\n” . “Subtotal: “ . $currency_symbol . $subtotal . “\r\n”;
//list total taxes and total shipping costs in the email
$message_product .= “Taxes: “ . $currency_symbol . $purchase_log[0][‘wpec_taxes_total’] . “\r\n”;
$message_product .= “Shipping: “ . $currency_symbol . ($purchase_log[0][‘base_shipping’] + $pnp) . “\r\n\r\n”;
//display total price in the email
$message_product .= “Total Price: “ . $currency_symbol . $purchase_log[0][‘totalprice’];
//For low and medium transaction speeds, the order status is set to “Order Received”. The customer receives
//an initial email stating that the transaction has been paid.
case ‘paid’:
$sql = “UPDATE `”.WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS.“` SET `processed`= ‘2’ WHERE `sessionid`=”.$sessionid;
if (is_numeric($sessionid)) {
$message = “Thank you! Your payment has been received, but the transaction has not been confirmed on the bitcoin network. “ .
“You will receive another email when the transaction has been confirmed.”;
$message .= $message_product;
wp_mail($email, “Payment Received”, $message);
$sql = “UPDATE `”.WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS.“` SET `email_sent`= ‘1’ WHERE `sessionid`=”.$sessionid;
transaction_results($sessionid, false); //false because this is just for email notification
//For low and medium transaction speeds, the order status will not change. For high transaction speed, the order
//status is set to “Order Received” here. For all speeds, an email will be sent stating that the transaction has
//been confirmed.
case ‘confirmed’:
$sql = “UPDATE `”.WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS.“` SET `processed`= ‘2’ WHERE `sessionid`=”.$sessionid;
if (is_numeric($sessionid)) {
//display initial “thank you” if transaction speed is high, as the ‘paid’ status is skipped on high speed
if (get_option(‘bitpay_transaction_speed’) == ‘high’) {
$message = “Thank you! Your payment has been received, and the transaction has been confirmed on the bitcoin network. “ .
“You will receive another email when the transaction is complete.”;
$message .= $message_product;
wp_mail($email, “Payment Received”, $message);
} else {
$message = “Your transaction has now been confirmed on the bitcoin network. “ .
“You will receive another email when the transaction is complete.”;
wp_mail($email, “Transaction Confirmed”, $message);
$sql = “UPDATE `”.WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS.“` SET `email_sent`= ‘1’ WHERE `sessionid`=”.$sessionid;
transaction_results($sessionid, false); //false because this is just for email notification
//The purchase receipt email is sent upon the invoice status changing to “complete”, and the order
//status is changed to Accepted Payment
case ‘complete’:
$sql = “UPDATE `”.WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS.“` SET `processed`= ‘3’ WHERE `sessionid`=”.$sessionid;
if (is_numeric($sessionid)) {
$message = “Your transaction is now complete! Thank you for using BitPay!” ;
wp_mail($email, “Transaction Complete”, $message);
$sql = “UPDATE `”.WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS.“` SET `email_sent`= ‘1’ WHERE `sessionid`=”.$sessionid;
transaction_results($sessionid, false); //false because this is just for email notification
add_action(‘init’, ‘bitpay_callback’);
Once you are done you can do settings for your merchant account in wordpress and start accepting bitcoins.