Does Your Online Business Really Need Managed WordPress Hosting?

Accept it or decline it, but web hosting is certainly one of the major key components for the success of every online business. Having your website hosted from the best hosting provider can directly improve your site’s SEO as well as Sales.

Though there are various types of hosting options available to choose from such as dedicated hosting, VPS, shared and free managed WordPress hosting is becoming quite popular among different webmasters.

 Have you heard about managed WordPress hosting for the first time? Well, you are not alone. A majority of webmasters are still unaware of this type of hosting option regardless of the fact that their websites are being powered by WordPress.

Therefore, in this article, we are going to share our knowledge and experience with managed hosting with our readers as well as WordPress site’s owners to help them get acquainted with a whole new different option available for hosting their sites.

What is a Managed WordPress Hosting?

Let’s get started with a brief introduction to managed WordPress hosting. Well, it is nothing but a type of hosting service which is wholly and solely designed for WordPress website and offers added advantages. Also, all the technical facets of using WordPress is dealt with by the host. In a nutshell, it is a service which is associated with back-end tasks connected to running a WordPress website. It offers hassle-free and amazingly out of the box experience for the webmasters – which allows you to actually focus on more important things i.e. selling your products and services.

In addition, managed WordPress hosting also works to optimize your website in different parts such as plugin compatibility, WordPress updates, uptime, security, and speed.

Managed WordPress Hosting Requirements

Since its WordPress hosting service, you indeed need a WordPress website. However, to run a WP site you need PHP (Latest version) and MySQL (Latest version). Also, almost every hosting company provides 1-click installation option that allows you to install it in a matter of a few seconds.

What makes Managed WordPress Hosting a preferred option?

This service is basically a complete package for the WP webmasters where the provider manages your website at its end. Since no two providers are the same, the features and added benefits they offer also varies a bit.

Let’s Explore Some Of These Benefits:

  1. Daily Backups

Running a website is no child’s play. Not only do you have to keep updating your website to drive more traffic to it but also prevent it from hacking and spamming. Fortunately, managed WP hosting services comes with this feature and offer backups on a regular basis and also provides restore points if you plan on reverting.

  1. Security

It is also offers enhanced security to protect your websites against hackers. Wondering how the host does protect your website. It actually scans every site periodically for malware or other suspicious security threats and automatically removes it without charging any extra fee.

  1. Faster Speed

Whether you are just starting out with a WordPress website or expanding with every passing day, managed WordPress hosting service offers faster speeds regardless of the traffic you receive on a daily basis.

  1. Comprehensive support

This service provides highly knowledgeable and experienced staffs that help you against any type of problem that you may be facing while managing your WordPress website with the host.

  1. Automatic Updates

A majority of managed WP hosting providers update your websites when necessary without you having to bother about it.

  1. Development Tools

You also get Development tools along with the managed WP hosting service. Though the type of tools available depends on the hosting provider, a majority of providers provide almost every type of dev. tool.

Is Managed WordPress Hosting Right For Your Business?

Running a WordPress website does not always mean you need “managed WordPress hosting,” nor does it mean you don’t. Managed WP hosting may seem like the right option for almost every WP websites; however, it’s not. Managed hosting service sure does assist in many aspects. But it isn’t right for every business.

As an instance, the basic managed hosting plans start somewhere at $20, with advanced features incorporation. A simple blog does not usually require advanced features to be maintained unless it is one hell of a blog where you get millions of page views on a daily basis. Therefore, WP blogs are better off without this service. On the contrary, small to large-scale online businesses must consider switching to managed WordPress hosting service since these businesses can use all the advanced features of host providers to grow and stay ahead in the competition.

In simpler words, if you do not have a restricted budget and need to be on the cutting edge, managed WordPress hosting is an ideal option for you.

Top Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

Though there are many options to choose from, we have compiled a list of best-hosting providers to help you make your job easier.

  1. WPEngine


It is a VIP hosting provider that offers hassle-free and robust servers to host your website. With WPEngine, your site is secured against hacking. Backed by a highly knowledgeable and talented staff, WPEngine offers one-click staging area, top-tier security, automatic caching, regular backups and automatic security updates. There are various popular sites that use the service of WPEngine such as Balsamiq, SoundCloud, FourSquare, HTC and more.

  1. Media Temple


Media Temple is known for offering around-the-clock, responsive shared hosting service. Recently, it has introduced its managed WordPress hosting plans to satisfy the needs of every customer. It offers 24/7 online support through the help desk, live chat, and phone calls. It also comes with an all-in-one dashboard with interactive UI, site staging area, and built-in caching.

  1. Pressable


Pressable is yet another popular and trustworthy name in the field of web hosting industry that was formerly known as ZippyKid. It offers three managed WordPress hosting plans starting at $25/month. Like Media Temple and WPEngine, There are available various features such as live support, built-in caching, malware scanning and removing, site staging tools and more.

  1. SiteGround


SiteGround is a leading web hosting provider and is well-known for its unique in-house WP speed and security solutions. It offers fast speeds and secure servers for its customers. They also offer around-the-clock support, GIT version control, CDN, automatic upgrades and more.

Wrapping up:

Web hosting, which is often overlooked, plays a crucial role in establishing a strong online presence for your business. And considering the importance of managed WordPress hosting, you can not only improve your business but also expand it significantly.

We have tried to cover everything there is about managed WordPress hosting. Hope you find this article useful!

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