Factors to Consider When Choosing a Colorado Addiction Rehab Center

Taking the big step of going for rehab to overcome drug or alcohol addiction is very difficult. If you have managed to overcome this difficulty and started the rehabilitation process, you should be proud of yourself. When you choose the right rehab facility that offers the right treatment that suits your needs, your recovery process will go on smoothly.

A rehab facility is a clinic that helps addicts of substance abuse to recover from their substance reliance. This clinic will offer treatments, counseling, and therapy to both the addicts and their loved ones. In time, the person will slowly adapt to a life free of drug or alcohol abuse and become healthier.

If you live around Colorado Springs, you will know how complex it is to find a facility that suits your needs. This is because new rehabilitation centers are springing up every day. Since you would not want to make a hasty choice, you need to ensure that you carry out research on each center before choosing. You can carry out this research based on the quality of the facility service and what others say about it. If you need help with this, you will find this guide on addiction treatment in Colorado Springs and other locations helpful.

Now, let us discuss some of the treatments you can expect from a rehab center and certain factors to keep in mind when choosing one.

Treatment Programs to Expect from a Rehabilitation Center

Here are some programs such centers can offer:

Assessment and Detoxification

The first thing that a reputable facility would do is to access a newly admitted patient. A professional substance counselor would ask important questions regarding the patient’s present medical status and if he or she has any co-occurring illness. This information would be on record and would be used to prescribe the best treatment that suits the patient’s needs.

Inpatient Treatment

This means that the person would have to live in the facility for a while. This stay can be up to three to four months. In some cases, it could extend to a year. This happens when the addict needs a lot of intensive care. Those that come for this program would receive individual and group therapy sessions, counseling, and certain medications that can help them overcome their reliance on drugs.

Outpatient Treatment

Not all cases of substance abuse require the person to be admitted to a facility. Some can visit the clinic for a few hours to attend therapy and counseling, and then return home afterward. This program can be the first treatment a person receives or sometimes the last. It is not recommended for people that have serious drug or alcohol addiction. If you would like to know more about how this program works, check here: https://www.help.org/

Inpatient-Outpatient Treatment

This is the combination of both outpatient and inpatient programs. During an assessment, the counselor will decide whether an addict requires this combination or not. Sometimes, inpatient-outpatient care is the next step to take after inpatient treatment. This allows the patients to slowly gain independence and freedom after staying for a long time in the facility.

Partial Hospitalization

This can occur at any treatment program. It happens due to a patient’s serious medical problems. Partial hospitalization is a bit similar to the outpatient program in a few ways. Like the inpatient, the person would only visit the rehab center for counseling and therapy but will go back to the clinic where he or she is receiving treatment.

Factors to Keep in Mind When Choosing a Rehabilitation Center

The following are some factors to keep in mind:

Consider Location of Facility

Selecting based on location is very essential. You might want to stay close to your home or you could prefer being far away. Staying far from your location might lessen the temptation or triggers to go back into substance abuse while staying close keeps you close to your family and friends. So, the choice depends on your circumstance and needs.

Consider Whether Family Support is Allowed

Whether you choose a center close to home or not, you still need your family’s support. Recovery from substance abuse is not something to be done alone. You would need help and encouragement from your loved ones. Also, dependence on drugs or alcohol might have strained your relationship with loved ones. By including your family in your rehabilitation process, you rebuild your relationship with them. For more information on why family support is important, read this article.

Consider Specialization

Some rehabilitation centers only offer one type of treatment or therapy. If you want to receive the best results, ensure that you choose the right treatment that suits your needs. For instance, if you have alcohol abuse disorder, go to a facility that specializes in treating this illness.

Consider Success Rate of Facility

How successful is the rehab center? Does it have a lot of success stories from past patients? If it does, then you can be confident of its services. You can use online review websites and reputation apps to check for success stories.

Choose Longer-Term Treatment

Some facilities offer short-term care programs that last for a few days or weeks. The truth is that most substance abuse illnesses are chronic and affect the way the brain processes data, so short-term treatment might not be fully effective. Make sure that you go for long-term programs as it offers more recovery success rate.

Choose a Treatment Program that Suits Your Preference

Some rehabilitation centers offer treatment that is flexible and meets their clients’ needs. In many cases, treatment programs might be gender-based. This is because women and men react to addiction in different ways. Also, people are more open with their feelings when they are around their gender during therapy. 

Consider Insurance

If you have health insurance, ensure that you look for rehab centers that accept it. If possible, call your health insurance company and ask if it partners with any substance recovery facility. If it does, then you can go for it.


Choosing a reputable rehab center can make all the difference in your addiction recovery process. So, ensure that you keep in mind the factors mentioned above as you make a choice.

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